Saturday, April 4, 2009

So here we are...

Sara Marler suggested we start a blog to document the pregnancy, so yeah, here we are! The only way this is fun for Jon and me is if people comment and participate, because I don't want to think that I'm just writing to the ether and if no one cares, why bother? So please, please play along!!

So I'm currently about 14 weeks along, and so far things are going pretty well. I've found that I was completely unprepared for all of this nonsense, and it's sort of way more rough than I thought it would be, but it's also sort of not as bad as I thought. For example, there's the nausea. It sucks a whole lot, but at the same time, it's really short-lived, and I'm not horking up my lunch all over the place. (P.S. Can someone explain those awful Charmin commercials with the bears? I just saw the one with the bits of TP on the bear's ass. Really? Do we need to see that?) Also, nobody bothered to mention to me that I can't drink more than about a tablespoon of water before 2pm without feeling like my world is about to end. WATER. I JUST WANT SOME WATER IN THE MORNING.

What else? Oh! My doctor is the weirdest person I've ever met, but he's kind of awesome. He's a bit of a whirlwind, and he doesn't so much bother with medical terms, but he makes Jon and I both feel really comfortable. Jon was a bit taken aback when we had our first appointment and one of his questions was "how are your boobs?" Apparently doctors aren't supposed to say "boobs." My favorite part was when Jon said something about not cutting the umbilical cord, and Dr. Burke told him that if Jon wanted his child detached from the placenta, he was going to have to do it, because that's not the doctor's job. Awesome.

We've had 2 doctor's appointments so far. Dr. Burke does an ultrasound at each visit, so we've seen Cletus twice already (oh, did I mention that we're calling it "Cletus the Fetus" until we find out what it is? Liz is the genius behind that.), which is kind of cool. We saw the heartbeat at the last appointment, and I'm hoping we'll be able to hear it this next time. My next appointment is next Friday, and I'll have a picture or two of the ultrasound to post then. From what I understand, it'll still be too soon to see if it's a boy or girl, which sucks because I'm really anxious to find out. I'm predicting a girl, but I could be completely and totally wrong.

So that's all for my first post. Sara has grandiose ideas that because I'm an English major and my husband is funny, this will be a fairly entertaining blog. I hope it's decent, and I'm going to make Jon write a post soonish.

Ok, so I went to publish this bad boy, and then I noticed that my display name is "Smidget." I sincerely and honestly have no idea how Gmail found that name, because I don't recall ever giving it to them. It freaks me out just a wee bit.


  1. Hurrah for my shout out! First of all I love your doctor! I will have to tell you a funny story about my doctor over email sometime. Not necessarily one I want to leave in a comment! I am soooooo excited for you and Jon. You must elaborate on the no water before 2 pm....does it make you nauseous? Most of the time the "morning sickness" clears up by about week 16. Can't wait to see pics of Cletus!

  2. Congrats! I'm super happy for you and you're pretty much guaranteed to have one of the cutest babies ever. I'm excited to find out if it's a boy or a girl - and it sucks that you don't get to know until you're like halfway done.
    And I think it's hilarious that Google has so spread into every crevice of the universe that it knows to call you 'smidget.'
    Laura Marty in CoMo

  3. Tim and I are so freakin' excited for you guys! Maybe you should call the baby Smidget instead of Cletus, though. Maybe it's a sign. Maybe it's all those effed up names from Memphis and subconsciously you entered that name, huh? Is Lil Boo an option if you have a boy?
    Yeah, the water thing is lovely, huh? Just wait until Cletus starts sitting on your bladder. Ah, good times. But overall it's so freakin' awesome! YOu'll miss it the day you deliver.
    Oh, and I'm totally with you on the Charmin commercials! It's disturbing. I don't want to see a bear wiping its butt. Ugh. Oh, and there's also the EPT or CBE pregnancy test one, where you see the test, and then a stream of pee pouring down. "The most sophisticated piece of equipment you'll ever pee on." Seriously, if that's all it takes to be in marketing, I need a career change.

  4. Love that you're writing a blog about the experience. Living vicariously is awesome. *grin* And it's a smart way to avoid giving the same, possibly long answers to every friend/family member who asks you questions - just give them the URL. ;)

  5. Well crap fro slow internet. When I first read this I was going to be the first to comment... I guess it's not so important. Do you have a baby bump yet? I am always impressed by lack of awareness about the whole process. I asked a guy the other day if his four year old could talk. He gave me a look like "what, does she look retarded?" I just honestly don't know the timeline. From your description so far, I'm glad getting pregnant has never been on my list of To-Dos. Sounds kind of crappy. But only 5.5 months to go!!

  6. I like your doctor. I think that totally sounds better than asking "How are your breasts?"

  7. Congratulaions, Carly! I love the umbilical cord comment! Don't worry--my husband was the same way during my whole pregnancy. He was going to be in the delivery room with me, obviously, but he didn't want to "see" anything. When the time came, though, he was so involved it was like having an extra nurse in the room!

    You have an ultrasound every visit? That's odd for a singleton. Are you having more than one baby? If you're only having one, you might make sure your insurance is covering all these ultrasounds. Most insurance companies will only pay for one per pregnancy unless there is a medical reason to have more!

  8. Laura - I was completely unaware of all the timeline stuff too. Toddlers still baffle me, but I now know what it means to be 14 weeks. Before, I was always so confused, so I promise I won't ever look at you like you're retarded, at least as far as baby questions go.

    Autumn - Hi!!! I'm only having one, any my doctor only submits an overall amount to the insurance company, so it's not an issue. His thinking is that he'd rather be able to see any problems developing along the way, and all it really costs him is the electricity to run the machine, which I really like!

    Thanks for the comments, guys. We love you all to death!!!!!

  9. Glad you changed the posting options! or what?

    And Joey - you'll be A-OK cutting the cord. :)

  10. We don't have any pictures yet, but once we do, we'll get them up ASAP. I haven't taken any of those profile shots, partially because I don't know where my camera is, but mostly because I started out a wee bit wide, and all it would show is my wideness.

  11. I am so glad you followed your friend Sara's advice! I bet she's great...oh, wait :)

    I look forward to following your Family Blog! Yay, soon-to-be parents!

