Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I need some help!!!

Ok everybody. I'm putting out the official call for help. This whole morning sickness thing (which is dumb, because it's almost noon and I'm STILL sick) is getting out of control. I've accepted the possibility that I'm just one of those women who doesn't get over it, or that it might take a few more weeks, but I'm having a hard time functioning here, and I need some cures. I tried eating some crackers before I even sat up in bed, which worked exactly twice and then no more. What else can I do? If any of you moms out there have any ideas that work, or if any of you have even heard of something that might possibly work, please PLEASE let me know. I just got done with spring break, and I think being back at work is making it worse, because for the past 4 days, I could just lay in bed until it passed and things were fine. Now, I have to get up and function, and I'm having a very difficult time with that.

Thank you!!!


  1. My first answer was absolutely terrible. (But funny.)

    My second answer is - coke syrup. You should be able to find it at Walgreen's or CVS in the antacid aisle.

  2. I want the funny! Also, coke syrup sounds like something that could definitely result in two penises and 13 toes. I shall check it out, though. Thanks!

  3. I said to Uncle Geek - "Carly is asking for morning sickness remedies. I'm gonna tell her 'thalidomide'." He choked on his soda.

    Yeah, we're sick.

  4. Yeah, that's not very nice, and besides, who would you give kiddie books to then? Also, Accutane and Propecia are out of the question.

  5. I'm not a mom..but ginger (in all forms) is tremendously helpful in quelling nausea. Not Schweppes ginger ale - the real stuff. Or candied ginger. And I've seen websites that tell you to boil fresh ginger (and add other stuff) to make a tea. And as to cola syrup - pharmacies have what's essentially "sugar water" - the brand name is Emetrol..usually cherry-flavored. It's worked for me, but, again, diff't kind of nausea... I'd say e-mail Leah. She's married to a doctor, two children, and knows lots about natural stuff. :)

  6. Three words: mint chewing gum. Don't know why, but it helps.

    Also, I'm sure you've already figured this out, but stay as far away from anything scented as you possibly can. Gel candles are the worst! Ughh! To this day even the thought of a vanilla scened gel candle makes me want to vomit!

    Finally, the healthier you eat overall, the less sick you will feel. I have read (more than once!), that women in other cultures NEVER get morning sickness! I am guessing that this is due to the nutritionally superior quality of the American diet? ;)

    HTH, and remember, "This too shall pass!"
