Saturday, April 11, 2009

April Checkup

We went to the doctor yesterday, and I know I promised pictures, but then I went and left Jon in charge of the camera, and I PROMISE that won't happen again. Yes, I realize what my promises are worth now, but this time it'll be different, I swear!!

Everything is looking good. Cletus is measuring at exactly 14 weeks, so we're right on track. We saw the ultrasound again, and apparently, Cletus is quite wiggly. The only thing we really saw was an arm sticking out and a hand. After we left the doctor, Jon spent about half an hour saying "it has has hands...." like he was expecting flippers or something. We thought there might be a chance to see the gender, and at one point, Dr. Burke had a decent crotch shot, but he couldn't see anything for certain. I'm still predicting a girl, but we'll have to wait to know for sure.

After the appointment we went to Omaha for dinner, because I can't seem to get enough Pad Thai. We also found me a new ring. About a month and a half ago, I realized I couldn't get my wedding ring off. I don't know if it was bloating or just simple fatitude, but nothing could get that bad boy off. We eventually had to go to a jeweler and get it cut off (my poor ring is so mangled now...) and I feel really weird without a ring. So we found me a nice little $25 sterling silver Claddagh for me to wear just until the baby is born. And then we had Dippin' Dots!!! Oh, and I haven't gained any weight yet, either, even though I've been gorging myself on things like Thai food and Dippin' Dots. Being pregnant is neat!

I'll see if I can get Captain Shaky Camera to post some of his stellar work later on today.


  1. I'm just tickled Cletus is healthy and growing right on schedule. YAY! I have found several books that Cletus needs. :)

  2. Yay for a healthy growing Cletus! Although, flipper-hands could result in Baby West being the next Olympic super-medalist.

    Now that you are pregnant, you can't forget important things like your coat or your camera. Just FYI.

  3. Yay for new jewelry! Yay for hands! My first trimester I only gained 1 1/2 pounds...though it certainly caught up with me later. I was reading this blog out loud to my mom who stopped me and asked, "WHAT are you calling their baby?!" Oh yes! She just shook her head when I told her of my think she'd be used to the stuff I come up with by now! Hope you have a Happy Easter!

  4. Um, we were promised pictures. Fo realz.
