Monday, April 27, 2009

More pictures

Here's a few rare pictures of us. Not "rare" as in non-cooked steak, but as in it does not happen very often. So, yes, marvel at our greatness and cuteness. Well, not OUR greatness and cuteness... more, Carly and Lily's greatness and cuteness. And some ugly homeless crazy person touching my beautiful wife's belly.


  1. HURRAH! Look at that baby! You look wonderful. You both do! YAY for the parents to be! Is the morning sickness better? How are you feeling now? I need more of a fix! LOL!

  2. Auntie Fat Girl is a big ol' mush - I teared up. I am *so* happy for y'all!!!

  3. The side shot! Yes!! :) Finally. Dunno why I always get such a kick out of it - makes it all seem so much more...real - to those of us who have no idea what it's like, at least.... Love to you both.

  4. Yeah, it makes it a lot more real for me also. I don't know why, but I feel like in the last week or so, I've gotten so much larger. Jon says not, but I don't know...
