Thursday, April 16, 2009


So, as promised, here are the ultrasound pictures! They're not very good, but I tried. And these don't really do our beautiful baby justice. Take a gander... That's our doctor pointing to the baby's hand. And at the top, a shot of the head and feet of the little bugger! He said that the baby was quite the wiggle worm and didn't stay in one place for too long. There's video too, but I'll be darned if I can get this thing to upload it before Christmas.

Also, kudos to the three that are actually following this blog! To the rest of you, presuming of course there are any others out there, for shame! Follow our little adventure as we fumble our way about parenthood!


  1. I think Cletus looks like Jon. See, Cletus' little chin? Just like Jon...

    Hey, is there a way to set up a poll so we can all vote on what we think the sex of Cletus will be? Because maybe "Cletus" is actually "Clet-ess". You know what I mean?

  2. It seems that whatever Sara wasts, Sara gets. One blog, comin' right up.

  3. Well you don't know the sex, but at least you know there's only one! (You really never know. I didn't know twins ran in my family until ours were already born--apparently my great, great grandma had 3 sets! YIKES!)

  4. Uncle Geek said "Hi, baby!!!" and I cried.

    And you can't sign up to be a Follower unless you're willing to log in and I don't have any *ahem* names that I'm willing to use. 'Cause I'm the family freak. :)

  5. It's not that I'm demanding, it's that I'm living vicariously through you and your Fetus, Cletus.

  6. The following thing is something I do not understand. Explain it to me, and then maybe I'll do it. :)

    Why didn't you get a printout and scan that in? *confused* I thought that was what normally happens...

  7. This particular ultrasound machine doesn't have a printer. I'm not sure why, but apparently Dr. Burke is really good at taking good pictures, so next time, they will be better.
