Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easing into fatherhood

Our next doctor's appointment is on Friday. I say "our" because the visits so far have turned into "The Carly and Jon Variety Hour". Consider: Carly was concerned about her cholesterol and what it would do to the baby. The doctor says, "It's fine. High triglicerides actually help the baby's brain form." And my wife, who I love to death by the way, says, "So, fat chicks have smarter babies?" I think the doctor might have peed a little laughing so hard.

As Carly said, our doctor is a little... out there. Not a bad guy, mind you, just a touch "off". But, not in the stabby-stabby kind of way (also known in serious psychology circles as the "Imma gonna cut you" kind of crazy). More of the "he's a fun guy to be around" kind. He's puts us at ease. I feel very comfortable in his office. Then again, I'm not the one getting the deep cavity search, so I might be a bit skewed.

But, I think that says something that my wife can be inches from me, having her honor violated, and I'm just sitting back and chatting, perfectly at ease. If I was able to, I'd probably be asking for another mojito and the volume on the TV turned up so I can hear "Mythbusters" over the sound of my beloved's virture being destroyed.

All this to say that I'm still a little nervous and excited about maybe hearing the baby's heartbeat and seeing how big little Cletus has grown. Wonder if it will actually look like anything on the ultrasound except a bunch of vanilla pudding in a black paper bag...

Oh, and finals are coming up... Little stressed about that.


  1. I'd just like to point out that it was a pelvic exam and nothing more. There was no violation, and I think Jon was the only person who really noticed what was going on. He said to me, "do you need to hold my hand?" and I replied, "I've done this before. Do you need ME to hold YOUR hand?"

    Also, my mother is going to be horrified that this topic is even being discussed. Sorry, Mom! It's all Jon's fault!

  2. Hey, you can't censor my art, man! Freedom of speech! Fascist! Various other left wing rantings!

  3. "vanilla pudding in a black paper bag..."

    Cracked me up.

  4. Uncle Geek said "Oh look, Joey 2.0" when I showed him the baby cam.

  5. This is easily, EASILY, my new favorite thing to read!
