Sunday, May 31, 2009

I need more advice!

Jon and I apologize for not writing anything lately, but really, there hasn't been anything to report, baby-wise. I finished the school year and am about to start taking summer classes, Jon is finishing up his first summer class and getting ready to start another one, and that's really it.

I do need some advice, though. I've gotten to the point where sleeping on my stomach is out of the question, and sleeping on my back makes breathing nearly impossible. So I'm stuck on my side, which is fine, except when I wake up (at 2:30am, 4:30am, and then again at 5:30am), my shoulders feel like they've been wrenched out of the sockets. I also have some awesome carpal tunnel, which doesn't help the situation at all, and I'm sort of at a loss what to do. I'd rather not spend the next several months sleeping in the recliner, so anyone, please, what should I do????


  1. I bought two body pillows (the super long ones). You can get them pretty cheap at Walmart, Costco, or Bed Bath & Beyond. I would put one behind me when I laid on my side and one I would put in front. The one in front would go between my legs so that my hips wouldn't hurt and underneath my baby bump. Plus the one behind me made it so I could sort of lie on my back but I would be at an angle so I could still breath. We called it the Pillow Palace. It was really the only way I could sleep comfortably. I did it from about 20 weeks on. Hope it helps!

  2. You should just force Jon to hold up your belly while you sleep comfortably on your side. That works, right?

    I've heard they make special baby bump pillows (but I suspect that Liz's wonderful idea will work the same).

    Good luck!

  3. When I was pregnant with Both the boys I used body pillows. They helped out alot with back and hip issues while pregnant. as for your soulders, do some shoulder stretches to get them more flexable, it will get better.

    by Starla
