Friday, May 8, 2009

And the winner is....

Well, not so much the winner, more the front runner. The doctor is 70% confident that he knows what gender our baby is! But, more about that later. Take a peek at these wonderful new pictures! See, this time the doctor took actually took these, so the quality is much better than my sub-par attempts.

During the visit this time, I got the chance to try out the baby-listening-device thing. I rooted around for a bit, caught a heartbeat a few times and got REAL excited. That was before the nurse told me that it was Carly's heartbeat. Then, I actually got the baby's! Pretty cool to hear my own child's heartbeat with my own hand (and the doctor's very expensive Fisher-Price looking equipment. The baby says "Moooo". Wait...)

Ok, so without further ado: The baby's gender! See, I know all of you who read this thing really want to know what the kid's gender is. So, I'm going to tell you!

After this really neat story about what we assume was an intern that was in the room. Poor girl didn't have any idea what was going on as soon as the doctor entered the room. We had a lot of trouble looking at the ultrasound and seeing anything like a baby. So, the doctor handed the camera to the intern to point it out to us and, now that she's in the spotlight, she had no clue what was on the ultrasound. So, here's what you're looking at. The pictures show, if my layout is right, the head of the baby in picture one (on the right), the baby's legs, the ultrasound machine (fantastic shot of that!), and the top of the baby's head twice! Very exciting stuff!!!!

Now, then. The REAL moment you've been waiting for! Our baby is very likely to be a....

GIRL!!! 70% sure!


  1. Note about the pictures: the very first one isn't just the head, it's the face. You sort of have to squint and tilt your head to see it, but once you do, you can't unsee it. Also, you forgot to mention that by the time the visit was over, the doctor was asking the nurse if she had any beer out in her car that he could have.

  2. HOORAH! I guessed right! Aww I am so excited for you!

  3. You'd think that a doctor could afford his own beer, you know. What, with knowing so much about birthing babies.

    And yay for a girl. You can name her after her aunt Sara. I mean ME!

  4. I think women are taking over the world. Soon there will not be enough men to help continue our species! Come on baby BOY West!

  5. Well, Barbie, I for one welcome our new female overlords...

  6. Uncle Geek said, "Don't be gay, Sparky!", which is our code for "Don't cry yet again, wussypants" and I uh... cried. You'd think I was having the damn baby.
