Monday, May 11, 2009

A conversation from this weeked...

Me: Jon, have you ever actually held a baby before?
Jon: Of course I have.
Me: When? Whose baby?
Jon: I held my cousin Sarah when she was a baby.
Me: Dude, she's 16 now. Did they sit you down in a chair and then put her in your lap?
Jon: Shut up.


  1. I have photographic proof. And it was a couch, not a chair. :)

  2. I think we need to see that photo on this blog! Please share Jon's baby-holding experience (which can apparently be summed up with ONE picture).


  3. Yea, check out the pic, but never mind Leanne's boobs.

  4. I'll see about getting ahold of this picture when we go down there this summer, and if I do, it WILL be posted.
