Sunday, May 31, 2009

I need more advice!

Jon and I apologize for not writing anything lately, but really, there hasn't been anything to report, baby-wise. I finished the school year and am about to start taking summer classes, Jon is finishing up his first summer class and getting ready to start another one, and that's really it.

I do need some advice, though. I've gotten to the point where sleeping on my stomach is out of the question, and sleeping on my back makes breathing nearly impossible. So I'm stuck on my side, which is fine, except when I wake up (at 2:30am, 4:30am, and then again at 5:30am), my shoulders feel like they've been wrenched out of the sockets. I also have some awesome carpal tunnel, which doesn't help the situation at all, and I'm sort of at a loss what to do. I'd rather not spend the next several months sleeping in the recliner, so anyone, please, what should I do????

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Minor Milestone

I'm now officially 20 weeks. For those of you who still think that pregnancy is 9 months, (as I still would if I hadn't gotten pregnant), that's not exactly true. Human gestation is an average of 40 weeks, which is actually more like 10 months, so I am now halfway done!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Would you like to Super Size your blog today?

Sorry about the delay in posting a new blog. We've been busy little people at Chez West. School started back up for me, and with the work load that they give me, I haven't really even thought about typing on this lappity-toppity box. So, I'll try to make it a JUMBO SUPER SIZED BLOG!!! sunday, SUNday, SUNDAY!!!! You'll pay for the whole seat, but you'll only need THE EDGE!!!

Grr for 2 speeches in less than 2 weeks. But, on to the fun stuff: Baby talk!

This weekend, Carly, myself and Carly's mom decided that it was time to start the registries. And by "we decided" I of course mean, "Carly told me to get in the car and drive where she wanted me to". So, off we go to the bustling metropolis of Omaha, NE, or as we call it, "The City".

Our adventure started by trying to find a Babies 'R US (subtle hint: we registered there!). After a stop at a Toys 'R Us just outside the city, (since, you know, Babies Toys what's the difference?) , we found our destination. It took us a few tries of course, but we got there. To another Toys 'R Us. With baby stuff in it. Then the magic began. We got our little scanner gun and I just lit up like a Christmas tree! I get to play with a laser gun! Pew! Pew! PEW!

No such luck it seems.

Spoil sport...

Anyway, as Carly makes a quick pit stop before the hardcore scanning that SHE's about to do... not me... (although I did check out the Terminator: Salvation action figures and WTH? I thought the movie was R rated. Why are there KIDS toys for a R rated movie? And when did I become so old?!?! GET OFF MY LAWN!) We perused the baby isle.

Then my head started to explode.

You have to clip a baby's nails?!?! Really?!? Never in my entire life did I ever even consider that you had to do that. Yes, I'm dense and stop making that face. You'll freeze that way. We played the "Who can find the most disgusting and unappealing baby food flavor" game, (Carly won by the way) and debated over play pens and burp cloths and what not. Then, we got to the strollers. And boy, was I happy. I get to push the little tyke around in a tricked out, slammin', pimped ride with hydraulics and spinners and neon flashing at the bottom with a 5000000000000 watt subwoofer.

Ok, so it's got suspension on it to cushion the baby. Just give me my fantasy for 5 minutes, ok?

Then... the socks. You see, it's not the big things that concern me about this whole thing. Paying for the delivery or affording diapers and going to school, working late to make ends meet and sacrificing almost everything I have to give, just so my daughter can have the best life possible. None of these phase me in the least. Because Carly and I will get through it together.

No. It's the small things that get me. Her socks are so wee and cute. Holy cow! She's going to wear socks. And I'll have to clip her toenails....


Head explosion....

Seriously. I had a headache the rest of the day.

Then, more fumbling about trying to find Target (subtle hint!!!). The madness continued there with clothes and bed sheets for the crib and no laser gun action for the daddy. And quite possibly the best insult that my wife has ever thrown out. Yes, even better than Noseface. How about, "Butt Wipe Warmer". Yes, it's a real thing that actually warms your butt wipes before you use them on your baby. But, I wasn't paying attention to her since I was driving at the time, trying to find Target and I thought she was talking to her mother. "What did you just call me?", said I. "I didn't call you anything, I want to put a butt wipe warmer on the registry.", she says.

I died laughing. And now, our favorite insult is Butt Wipe Warmer(tm).

It's amazing what my wife can do even if she doesn't try.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A conversation from this weeked...

Me: Jon, have you ever actually held a baby before?
Jon: Of course I have.
Me: When? Whose baby?
Jon: I held my cousin Sarah when she was a baby.
Me: Dude, she's 16 now. Did they sit you down in a chair and then put her in your lap?
Jon: Shut up.

Friday, May 8, 2009

And the winner is....

Well, not so much the winner, more the front runner. The doctor is 70% confident that he knows what gender our baby is! But, more about that later. Take a peek at these wonderful new pictures! See, this time the doctor took actually took these, so the quality is much better than my sub-par attempts.

During the visit this time, I got the chance to try out the baby-listening-device thing. I rooted around for a bit, caught a heartbeat a few times and got REAL excited. That was before the nurse told me that it was Carly's heartbeat. Then, I actually got the baby's! Pretty cool to hear my own child's heartbeat with my own hand (and the doctor's very expensive Fisher-Price looking equipment. The baby says "Moooo". Wait...)

Ok, so without further ado: The baby's gender! See, I know all of you who read this thing really want to know what the kid's gender is. So, I'm going to tell you!

After this really neat story about what we assume was an intern that was in the room. Poor girl didn't have any idea what was going on as soon as the doctor entered the room. We had a lot of trouble looking at the ultrasound and seeing anything like a baby. So, the doctor handed the camera to the intern to point it out to us and, now that she's in the spotlight, she had no clue what was on the ultrasound. So, here's what you're looking at. The pictures show, if my layout is right, the head of the baby in picture one (on the right), the baby's legs, the ultrasound machine (fantastic shot of that!), and the top of the baby's head twice! Very exciting stuff!!!!

Now, then. The REAL moment you've been waiting for! Our baby is very likely to be a....

GIRL!!! 70% sure!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My apologies

I would like to apologize for you would call that thing Jon posted. He saw "Nelson" and got a little over-excited. It happens sometimes, and I just wait for it to pass and then we can go on with our lives.

But like he said, there's not much news. Turns out that all that tiredness and grossness was a sinus infection. Again. I went to the doctor to get some antibiotics, because I simply can't afford to be out of school for another whole week (and how dumb would it be to miss during the last two weeks of school?). Luckily for me, Keflex is safe for pregnant women and so is Flonase! While I was at the doctor yesterday, I saw my chart on the computer, and they've definitely got "Active Problem: Intrauterine Pregnancy" on there. See? I'm infected with a parasite.

The fun news is that I weighed myself this morning, and I still haven't gained any weight. I'm expanding pretty well, so it doesn't bother me so much - at this rate, I'll weigh less after I deliver than I did before I got pregnant!

We'll definitely be back on Friday with more ultrasound pictures, and hopefully this one will have news!

P.S. I don't know if anyone else had this problem when they were wearing maternity clothes, and maybe it's because I'm so dang short, but every maternity shirt I have requires a cami underneath it to make it appropriate for school. While it's true that certain things are more...impressive...these days, that doesn't mean I want everyone to see!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stop yer grinnin'...

Not much going on on the baby front. Carly is perpetually tired and hungry. I feel bad for the poor girl.

But in MUCH more important news (please note, if you are here for baby news, please close your browser window now): Those of you who have been faithful to my personal blog back on MySpace might recall a very important post I did on a certain event that occurred about a year ago. This earth-shattering event caused such a tremendous uproar that it rocked the very foundation of our society. I urge everyone still reading this blog to go into their closets, squeeze into their leather pants, whip out that Aqua Net you've got stashed away for "special occasions" and dust off that "Screaming for Vengance" t-shirt, because it's time once again for:

ROCKLAHOMA 2009!!!!!

32 massive bands with massive rocking and massive hair including Warrant, Winger, Twisted Sister, Anthrax, Night Ranger and, yes, Great White!

And headlining this epic assault on your rock nerves, the ultimate in hardcore rockitude...


Rock on, my friends. Rock on...

We now return to our baby blog.