Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Been A Long Time...

Yep. It's been a while. A month, really. Sorry about all the waiting and yearning for bloggy goodness, but apparently raising a baby eats up quite a bit of your time. Who knew?

In between the diaper changes and t-shirt changes and cute photo uploads (available on Facebook and shipping for a nominal fee), I do have work and school to take care of. So, it's a busy time for your humble blog writer.

Also, no one told me that babies require this sort of attention all the time, not just the first week or so! It's madness!!

So, to fill in the gaps between the times that I get off my fat, lazy, white blog writing butt and actually write a blog, I would like to welcome our newest contributor to the blog. He comes highly recommended and I hear he has quite a lot to say. In addition, he'll be able to provide amazing insight to the events that occur around Chez West as Carly and I stumble blindly around parenthood.

So, the next blog will be written by none other than... THE BABY!

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