Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lily's had it ruff...

Last night, around 4AM, I was peacefully sleeping. As I stood there, laughing at my vanquished foes and looking amazingly ripped in my barbarian garb, a voice called out to me from the ether. "Jon," it said faintly as I hefted my broadsword. "Jon..." a little louder this time. How can a person cleanse the moors of my foes and hear the lamentations of their women with all this noise? "Jon! Wake up, now! Get in here!" said the now panic stricken voice.

Carly was screaming from the other room. Snatching my broadsword... glasses from the bedside table and vaulting over the pile of baby stuff in my way like an Olympic hopeful, I sprinted to the living room. Both Carly and Lily were on the floor, Lily in the midst of a seizure, her legs straight out in front of her, breathing heavily, Carly on the verge of tears. I ran to them, found my phone and told Carly to call the emergency vet line while I held Lily. My main concern was keeping Lily safe, meanwhile making sure Carly didn't go any more hysterical. Lily was unresponsive and I could see she was petrified scared and foaming a bit around the edges of her mouth. Eventually, she started to come back around, slowing gaining control of her muscles. The worst part, aside from the stomach-churning feeling of utter helplessness, was watching her blindly trying to stand up in the middle of her seizure. She was on her belly, her little back legs straight out, trying to get her front paws under her. Slowly, painfully, she managed to get to to a crouch, looked around at me, and her tail started to wag rapidly. She recognized me and was coming around.

The vet told us to watch her and she if she did it again. She slept the rest of the night/morning and seemed fine for most of the day. I was at work, so I can't report on what happened during those hours (pester Carly for a blog!!!) but at dinner, she had another one. We've got her on aspirin 81mg (vet's orders) and we're still keeping an eye on her. Carly's sleeping on the couch, and I've taken to sleeping on the floor right next to her near Lily. It's no Holiday Inn, but I've had worse. It's a good thing I can sleep just about anywhere.

As far as baby stuff goes (bet you thought I'd forgotten the name of this blog), momma and baby are doing fine, if a little scared. I did see the baby move a few times. She's been pushing on Carly's stomach and bladder, so she's a little miserable. I fine too, if anyone cares. I know my place in the pecking order...


  1. I hope that the West Foursome is doing okay! Let us in the blogworld know how things go with the furriest member of your family.

  2. Of course I mean you, Jon. In descending order of furriness: Jon, Lily, Cletus, Carly.

    Not because Cletus is hairy, but because Carly is secretly balder that Mr. Clean.

  3. Does Carly have a secret pirate earring like Mr. Clean too? And if so why would she keep this a secret!

    On a serious note I am sorry for poor Lily's woes! I hope they can figure out quickly what is going on. I suppose we will find out this week!
