Friday, July 24, 2009

Big news!

We went to see the doctor today for our baby check up. He said everything was fine and Carly and the baby are healthy. So stop panicking. This is good news.

After taking a look at the ultrasound, we found out something amazing. It seems that our baby girl... actually has a penis.

That's right. We're having a boy! So, stow or return all that pink stuff you bought us (I know you did) because the Wests are having a baby boy!

This is a big mind blower for me. I was so ready to have a girl (not that I'm not thrilled to have a boy). I don't really know what to do with a baby boy (not that I had a clue what to do with a baby girl). I do feel extra proud that I'm going to have a son (not that I didn't feel proud, yadda yadda). He shall be a strapping young lad; rugged, like his father, and strong willed, like his mother. He shall be strong, fast, agile. He shall be smart, confident, and smooth with the ladies (gets that part from me... How you doin'?). He shall be honest and brave. He shall be Levon. He shall be a good man. But, most importantly, he shall love Star Wars!

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Jon? Where can I get leather pants in my size at this hour?"

Good question. Yes, I am excited and scared. The gravity of the situation hit me the other day. I'm going to be responsible for the upbringing of another human being. His entire existence is thanks to me and Carly and how he becomes a dashing young man (in the image of his handsome father) is almost entirely dependent on how we raise him. He'll learn his morals from us (and the Bible. Yay, God!). He'll learn how to walk and eat and perform complicated mathematical equations from us. He'll ask for help from us on the Dewey decimal system. It's a lot of responsibility.

We'll be leaving for Memphis for about a week for a second babymoon. Now, if you're good and behave while we're gone, you just might get a second trilogy out of the deal...

BABYMOON: Episodes 4, 5, and 6? Maybe coming soon.

Oh, and I'll have pictures up soon of the ultrasound.

P.S. When I submitted this blog the first time, the ad that popped up right along side the confirmation page said "Will you have a boy or girl? Take this quiz and find out!"

Too late, Mr. Wants My Information Advertisement. Too late, sir.


  1. What an excellent blog! Yay for Healthy Baby West! It's a boy!

  2. As a Mom of a little boy I am EXTRA excited for you! Oh the fun you will have! I LOVE being the Mama of a little boy ( not that I wouldn't love being the Mama to a little girl - Jon- that was for you). I just can't wait for you all! Now onto blue stuff! Come to think of it...I have a Star Wars onesie I may just be sending your way! :)

  3. Strong willed? I beg your pardon???

  4. This is why I got a unisex baby bib to make for Baby West. Hee.
