Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A change.

I think the major problem with this blog, aside from the whole "not writing on it ever" part, is that the scope is way too limited. I feel like just writing about my children (or FOR my children, as the case my be) is just too constricting. So, with that in mind, I give you the new blog format. Less "baby blog", more "whining adult blog". Hopefully, this will keep me more interested in doing this, and the two of you that read this (hi, mom!) will get a kick out of seeing the exploits of Carly, Jack, Sam, Lily, Milton, and me glaring at you in tantalizing black and white on your computer screen. Or not. Totally up to you. I understand if you don't give two flying pig farts about it (and I mean that, mom).

Rest assured that Jack will continue to write frequently, occasionally, not really that often. And you never know, special guests may show up on occasion. In conclusion, when you see that I've posted a new blog, mainly by bombarding Facebook with status updates like some high school aged attention whore, don't expect it to be about babies. You've been warned...

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