Sunday, May 2, 2010

It has begun...

"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"

I have begun the first steps toward my eventual take over of the Earth. Mind you, I don't normally have aspirations of world domination, but this week has been a busy one and my typical peaceful demeanor has changed a little.

For starters, mommy picked me up a fantastic device at something called a "garage sale". I assumed it would be called a garage, but, alas, no. She calls it a walker, and it has 4 wheels, a tray and is built like a rock. I have decided that this is no ordinary walker, but a tank. A massive quad-wheeled weapon of mass destruction that will make the world tremble in fear of my awesome unstoppable blitzkrieg!

I've named her Doris.

Currently, my operational theater is limited to sorties against the dog, but as she tries to steal my thunder anyway, I find it amusing. As the dog goes about her daily routine, sleeping, eating, begging daddy for food and walkings, I take it upon myself to try out the capabilities of my wheeled juggernaut by following her and trying to grab her. But, since the tray sticks out really far, I'll have to settle for just running her over with it.

Also, the tray has a lot of room for my toys.

My ire has been flared by the arrival of what my "parents" have called "diaper rash". And not just any diaper rash, but the diaper rash from Hades. It hurts a lot. We had to see the doctor for it and he gave them this thick stuff that they have to smear on my butt when they change my diaper. It's humiliating! And I do not appreciate it! If I didn't love them so much, I would be quite miffed at them. That, and my fanny hurts.

The plus side is that I made a new friend today at the hospital. He's a nice, fluffy stuffed red guy that the nice people at the hospital introduced to me. He comforted me during my time of woe and for that, he has earned my trust. I have decided to call him Augustus.

Bed time! Maybe tomorrow will be a better, less angry day...


  1. I think we need a more detailed description of Augustus...I don't usually trust red fluffy guys.

  2. How does Lily take to getting chased and run over? Sounds like a Clash of the Titans, Battle Royale brewing....
