Friday, June 5, 2009

New Pictures and dreamscapes

Here we are folks, the thing you've been waiting for! New pictures of the baby! The first is a wonderful picture of the baby's face and hand on the left hand side. The next is our baby's spine, clear as day. Then the top of the head. And then, this picture of a very disturbing and creepy man that hangs around our house. And then a Popeye sighting! Very exciting!

We went to our doctor's appointment today. The main reason for our lack of blog posting is that everything is going just fine. Carly is doing well, her morning sickness has gone away for now, and the baby is wiggling like nobody's business! The doctor gave both the baby and Carly a clean bill of health. Not a whole lot of funny things happened this time at the appointment. There were a few things that were said that are not fit me to repeat here... Although we did have to wait this time, and Carly sat next to a very interesting woman...

This lady looked about 30 weeks pregnant and reeked of cigarette smoke. According to my lovely wife, the lady coughs, and says "I guess I should stop smoking." YOU GUESS!?!?! You should have stopped smoking BEFORE you had the baby! Have fun raising your bubble-headed flipper baby!

Anyway, while the doctor was performing the ultrasound on our very healthy and not swimming in carcinogenic smoke baby, she was not very cooperative and wasn't moving much. So the doctor tried to wake the baby and get her to move. Now, he's a smart guy. He got through med school and started his own practice. He sees lot of patients every day. You'd think he'd know NOT to jiggle a pregnant lady's belly. It pisses her off and generally results in the loss of innocent limbs that were otherwise minding their own business.

After we left the doctor's office, we had errands to run in St. Joseph. While we were there we saw the new Star Trek and aside from some technical inconsistencies (of which I could describe in great detail, if you wish) it was good. Except for Tyler Perry. Yeah, he's in it.

Oh, and we picked up a book titled "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies." It's exactly what it sounds like. It's Jane Austen's novel, mixed with the living dead. It sounds awesome. I expect Carly to give a review of it after she finishes it.

Last bit of info: We both have been having strange dreams lately. My dream last night involved Carly buying a Xbox 360, hiding it from my in the basement, and she and our daughter were playing it in secret. When I caught them, they looked at me and told me that I couldn't play.

Clearly, they're stealing my video game playing time.

But, Carly's is SOOOOO much better. A while back she had this dream that she was a mutant like in the X-Men, but her power was that she ran really fast and had blue hair. So, she goes to this gas station, and a man approaches her. She asks "Who are you?" and he responds "I'm the Gas Station Murderer!" Now, that's not the wierd part. Then, he whips out this knife, and starts to poke her. Not stab her, poke her with the knife. Poke, poke. As this is very annoying, she tells him to stop that. As he is an evil murder with no conscience and little regard for human life, he keeps poking her in a very annoying manner. So, she runs away.

No clue what to make of that.


  1. So, how many limbs did Carly relieve the doctor of?

  2. No, see, the doctor needs his limbs to deliver the baby, so all of his got to stay attached. Jon, that's a different story.

  3. I'm so glad you're doing better, Carly. :)
