Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Year In Review

Whew! Has it really been one year since I came into this world? It's been quite a ride. Let's take a look back, shall we? If you're still reading, then let's go!

One year ago today, I was resting comfortably in my wroom (womb room) grading some papers from my Baby Studies class at Harvard, when suddenly INS (calling himself Dr. Burke) comes busting in and deports me into the outside world. Side note, I left some of my papers in my wroom. The students were understandably upset, but not so much as my mom will be in a few years. Sorry, Mom.

It's so hard to believe that this time last year I was introduced to the two people that have made the biggest difference in my life. Without them, I would not be the man I am today, what with my Ph.D. , professorship at Harvard, living large with my big house, five cars, I'm in charge, comin' up in the world, don't trust nobody, gotta look over your shoulder constantly... Sorry, just flew into some Cypress Hill there.

I'm talking about the two most important people in my life to date. Yes, Hall and Oats, your dulcet tones and heartfelt lyrics have gotten me through many a night when my teeth were hurting. Your private eyes are watching me indeed.

But, I would be remiss if I did not mention the other two that have meant so much, Badger-face and Mommy. I love those two guys, and to tell the truth, I think I'm finally getting around to learning their proper names. I had Mommy right, but I think that Badger-face is called "Daddy". I've started saying it around the house and every time I do, the furry one points to himself. So, either his name is Daddy or he has some weird tic that makes him do that every time anyone says Daddy. Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy and his stomach. Or Dan Foglelburg and his awesomeness.

Next, the long difficult road to self-mobility. First, it was rolling around on my back like a turtle, which moved into doing push-ups (not just for mobility, but to stay beefy), then army crawling, and now full-fledged crawling! Not sure where to go from there, but as I see at work with the other kids, it looks like walking may be the next big thing.

A few more teeth have popped up. Hasn't seemed that long ago that I was eating liquid fruit and veggies. Now, I can chew and have moved up to real big boy meals! Long nights and cranky days for me!

Well, I'm tired and I do have work tomorrow. So, I'll close for the evening, but fear not:

Coming soon: Part 2 of my retrospective on my first year!