Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Unfunny update time!

I realize I'm not as funny as either Jack or Badger-face, but I am a mommy, and that means I have this uncontrollable urge to tell everyone everything I can about my kid. Since Jon and Jack are falling down on the job, I'm going to pick up some of the slack and let y'all know what's been happening around here.

Jack is doing wonderfully. He's mastered the delicate art of army crawling, and is getting into all sorts of mischief. I didn't tell Jon, but he got into the book case and managed to tear a page out of one of Jon's favorite books. It seems that if there's something he's not supposed to get into, he makes a beeline for it, and doesn't give up, even if you drag him back to his toys time after time after time after time... He's a tenacious little bugger. Also, even though he has all of these toys all over the place (and I really do mean ALL OVER THE PLACE), he's completely uninterested. His favorite plaything so far? An empty 7-up bottle.

Lily has mostly gotten over her last bout of seizures. We've changed vets, and I think we found a pretty good fit. She's gotten really clingy, though, and has growled at Jack a few times. We're working on teaching her to walk away, and I think it's starting to work.

I've become a bit obsessed with fixing up/decorating the house. I think I'd be less obsessed if I actually had the funds to carry through with the ideas I have, because all I can do at this point is think about it.

Jon got us a Wii Fit, and I think it's actually doing us some good! Hooray! Of course, Jon is losing about twice as much weight as I am, and I think it's partially because he doesn't really care much about how he looks, and just like with everything, if you want it too much, you don't get it. Awesome!

I think that's all. I'm hoping the "Christmas Update Letter" feel of this post will light a fire under someone and the next post will be from someone funnier than me!

That's all I can think of for now.